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Loving-kindfulness is to practice in the easiest way possible so that the experiences springs forth most gently, most naturally. To do it in the most easiest way possible means first to use saying that are personally meaningful to us.

Loving-kindfulness is to practice in the easiest way possible so that the experiences springs forth most gently, most naturally. To do it in the most easiest way possible means first to use saying that are personally meaningful to us. The traditional sayings as are taught, at least this one classical translation of them, begins with the self: May I be free from danger, may I know safety. Danger in that sense is both inner danger from the force of certain mind states, and outer danger. So, May I be free from danger. May I have mental happiness. May I have physical happiness. May I have ease of well-being—which means may I not have to struggle terribly, day by day, with livelihood, with family issues.

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