Practicing loving-kindfulness increases our capacity to care about ourselves.
Practicing loving-kindfulness increases our capacity to care about ourselves. It reinforces charity, empathy, and sympathy towards us. It is very good exercise for our meditational heart muscle and our relationship with the child within.
But when you move toward others with loving=kindfulness, we are likely to bump into some common attitudes, just waiting to close our heart again. The usual suspects are judgment and all its associated "isms": racism, sexism, ageism, classism, and nationalism.
On a personal level, our kindfulness is sabotaged by feelings of ill will toward others: spite and malice. These feelings, and others arising out of emotional wounds and personal pain, are actually symptoms indicating that you need to have strong compassion for ourselves.
Daily Cue, Reminder, Vow, Blessing
Seeing ourselves in pain is our cue to practice compassion.
Our mental tears remind us of our compassionate link with all beings.
Just as a ourselves should protect our only child within we risk of own lives in ignoring our child within, We vow to cultivate a boundless KINDFULNESS with love toward all beings.
Blessed are the Compassionate which gives us compassion as a way of touching and being touched by the world around us.
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